Google Maps Platform Solution Supply
Google Maps lets you create stunning maps for your site, app, or internal platform.
Find out how geolocation can unlock new growth opportunities for your business.
Monthly free usage is $ 200, regardless of API type.
API type | Monthly free usage | Individual Users (per 1000 Calls) | Partner Users |
Mobile Native Static Maps | Unlimited load | Free | |
Mobile Native Dynamic Maps | Unlimited load | Free | |
Embed | Unlimited load | Free | |
Embed Advanced | Up to 14,000 loads | $14.00 | |
Static Maps | Up to 100,000 loads | $2.00 | |
Dynamic Maps | Up to 28,000 loads | $7.00 | |
Static Street View | Up to 28,000 loads | $7.00 | |
Dynamic Street View | Up to 14,000 loads | $14.00 |
API type | Monthly free usage | Individual Users (per 1000 Calls) | Partner Users |
Directions | Up to 40,000 calls | $5.00 | |
Directions Advanced | Up to 20,000 calls | $10.00 | |
Distance Matrix | Up to 40,000 elements | $5.00 | |
Distance Matrix Advanced | Up to 20,000 elements | $10.00 | |
Roads - Route Traveled | Up to 20,000 calls | $10.00 | |
Roads - Nearest Road | Up to 20,000 calls | $10.00 |
API type | Monthly free usage | Individual Users (per 1000 Calls) | Partner Users |
Autocomplete - Per Character | Up to 70,000 requests | $2.83 | |
Query Autocomplete - Per Character | Up to 70,000 requests | $2.83 | |
Autocomplete - Per Session | Up to 11,000 sessions | $17.00 | |
Places Details - Basic | Up to 11,000 calls | $17.00 | |
Places Details - Basic + Contact | Up to 10,000 calls | $17.00 + $3.00 | |
Places Details - Basic + Atmosphere | Up to 9,000 calls | $17.00 + $5.00 | |
Places Details - Basic + Atmosphere + Contact | Up to 8,000 calls | $17.00 + $5.00 + $3.00 | |
Places Photo | Up to 28,000 calls | $7.00 | |
Find Place - Basic | Up to 11,000 calls | $17.00 | |
Find Place - Basic + Contact | Up to 10,000 calls | $17.00 + $3.00 | |
Find Place - Basic + Atmosphere | Up to 9,000 calls | $17.00 + $5.00 | |
Find Place - Basic + Contact + Atmosphere | Up to 8,000 calls | $17.00 + $5.00 + $3.00 | |
Nearby Search - Basic + Contact + Atmosphere | Up to 5,000 calls | $40.00 | |
Text Search - Basic + Contact + Atmosphere | Up to 5,000 calls | $40.00 | |
Geocoding | Up to 40,000 calls | $5.00 | |
Geolocation | Up to 40,000 calls | $5.00 | |
Time Zone | Up to 40,000 calls | $5.00 | |
Elevation | Up to 40,000 calls | $5.00 |
가격 정책
월간 무료 사용량은 API 종류와 상관없이 합산 $200입니다.
API 종류 | 월간 무료 사용량 | 개인이용자 |
Mobile Native Static Maps (모바일 정적 지도) | 무제한 로드 | 무료 |
Mobile Native Dynamic Maps (모바일 동적 지도) | 무제한 로드 | 무료 |
Embed (Embed Tag 지도) | 무제한 로드 | 무료 |
Embed Advanced (고급 Embed Tag 지도) | 최대 14,000회 로드 | ₩18,000 |
Static Maps (정적 지도) | 최대 100,000회 로드 | ₩2,500 |
Dynamic Maps (동적 지도) | 최대 28,000회 로드 | ₩9,000 |
Static Street View (정적 스트리트 뷰) | 최대 28,000회 로드 | ₩9,000 |
Dynamic Street View (동적 스트리트 뷰) | 최대 14,000회 로드 | ₩18,000 |
API 종류 | 월간 무료 사용량 | 개인이용자 (1000회 기준) |
Directions (길찾기) | 최대 40,000회 요청 | ₩6,500 |
Directions Advanced (길찾기 - 실시간) | 최대 20,000회 요청 | ₩13,000 |
Distance Matrix (거리 행렬) | 최대 40,000개 요소 | ₩6,500 |
Distance Matrix Advanced (거리 행렬 - 실시간) | 최대 20,000개 요소 | ₩13,000 |
Roads - Route Traveled (도로 정보 - 이동 경로) | 최대 20,000회 요청 | ₩13,000 |
Roads - Nearest Road (도로 정보 - 가장 가까운 도로) | 최대 20,000회 요청 | ₩13,000 |
API 종류 | 월간 무료 사용량 | 개인 이용자 |
Autocomplete - Per Character (자동 완성:문자당) | 최대 70,000자 | ₩3,600 |
Query Autocomplete - Per Character (자동 완성:문자당) | 최대 70,000자 | ₩3,600 |
Autocomplete - Per Session (자동 완성:세션당) | 최대 11,000회 세션 | ₩22,000 |
Places Details - Basic (장소 세부정보:기본) | 최대 11,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 |
Places Details - Basic + Contact (장소 세부정도 : 기본+연락처) | 최대 10,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 + ₩4,000 |
Places Details - Basic + Atmosphere (장소 세부정보 : 기본+분위기) | 최대 9,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 + ₩6,500 |
Places Details - Basic + Atmosphere + Contact (장소 세부정보 : 기본+연락처+분위기) | 최대 8,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 + ₩10,500 |
Places Photo (장소 사진) | 최대 28,000회 요청 | ₩9,000 |
Find Place - Basic (장소 찾기 : 기본) | 최대 11,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 |
Find Place - Basic + Contact (장소 찾기 : 기본+연락처) | 최대 10,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 + ₩4,000 |
Find Place - Basic + Atmosphere (장소 찾기 : 기본+분위기) | 최대 9,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 + ₩6,500 |
Find Place - Basic + Contact + Atmosphere (장소 찾기 : 기본+연락처+분위기) | 최대 8,000회 요청 | ₩22,000 + ₩10,500 |
Nearby Search - Basic + Contact + Atmosphere (장소 주변 검색 : 기본+연락처+분위기) | 최대 5,000회 요청 | ₩52,000 |
Text Search - Basic + Contact + Atmosphere (장소 텍스트 검색 : 기본+연락처+분위기) | 최대 5,000회 요청 | ₩52,000 |
Geocoding (지오코딩) | 최대 40,000회 요청 | ₩6,500 |
Geolocation (위치 정보) | 최대 40,000회 요청 | ₩6,500 |
Time Zone (세계 시간) | 최대 40,000회 요청 | ₩6,500 |
Elevation (고도) | 최대 40,000회 요청 | ₩6,500 |
자주 묻는 질문
You can use as much or as little as you need and only pay for what you use each month. We would also like to highlight that we’ve changed the pricing for our Maps, Routes, and Places pricings. For more information, you can review the guide to Understanding Billing. You can also estimate your monthly bill with the Pricing calculator.
Yes. In addition to the $200 monthly free credit, all users get:Free Maps usage for Embed (for displaying maps only)Free Maps URLs
Yes. When you enable billing, you get $200 free usage every month for Maps, Routes, or Places. Based on the millions of users using our APIs today, most of them can continue to use Google Maps Platform for free with this credit.
For each map load, there is a per-load cost, which varies depending on whether it’s a static or dynamic map load or a static or dynamic Street View load. At no additional cost, your users can pan, zoom in and out, and change layers on their maps as much as they’d like.
Yes. Even though the first $200 a month is free, we ask for your credit card or billing account to cover any amount you spend over this free credit. When you’re billed, we'll credit your account for the first $200 of monthly usage. If your estimated usage will be above $200 a month and you don’t have a credit or debit card to set up a billing account, Podo Inc (Google Maps Partner) may be able to help.